Canvas Apps Controls Modern Controls User Experience

Copilot Answer – Everything you want to know about modern control #6

A pilot and a co pilot in a cockpit
A pilot and a co pilot in a cockpit

Introduction to modern Copilot Answer control

Copilot answer is a brand new control. It is a pretty slick control that can be used in a lot of enterprise applications. It allows end users to get generative answers to a predefined list of questions. So, it is not like a chatbot where users can type in their questions but it works perfectly when you want to feed certain questions to the end users.


  1. Items - The Dataverse table that the questions will be related to (only Dataverse tables are supported for now)
  2. Views - Any views of the selected Dataverse table that you want to use to filter the list of records
  3. Fields - The list of fields needed to answer the list of predefined questions
  4. Title - The title of the copilot answer control
  5. Question for Copilot  - The question that the copilot answer control will answer
  6. Show answer  - There are 2 options:
    1. 'CopilotAnswer.LoadingMode'.Lazy (called After sending in the dropdown - is the default value)
    2. 'CopilotAnswer.LoadingMode'.Eager (called Immediately in the dropdown)

Using modern Copilot Answer control

The first time I used this control, I wondered what's the point of using this control for one question. Or if I should use one control per question. Neither of the two options made much sense. Then, I added a gallery of questions and fed the control with the selected record from the gallery. Here is a working demo of the same:

Copilot Answer Demo
Copilot Answer Demo

Stay tuned for the remaining modern controls!

To read the official documentation of modern controls, click here.

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