Introduction to modern Spinner control
Spinner control is one of the new modern controls in Power Apps. It is used to show loading scenarios for a better user experience. There are a lot of configuration options available that I will talk about below.
- Label - The text to show
- LabelPosition - Where to position the text defined in the Label property
- SpinnerSize - There are 7 options:
- 'Spinner.SpinnerSize'.Tiny
- Medium (default)
- SpinnerColor - The color
- TrackColor - The color of the track (shown in the demo below)
- Appearance - There are 3 options:
'Spinner.Appearance'.Primary (default)
Using modern Spinner control
Here is a demo of this control with different configurations:
Stay tuned for the remaining modern controls!
To read the official documentation of modern controls, click here.
Recent articles
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