Canvas Apps Controls Modern Controls User Experience

Spinner – Everything you want to know about modern control #15

Close up of hands holding fidget spinners.
Close up of hands holding fidget spinners

Introduction to modern Spinner control

Spinner control is one of the new modern controls in Power Apps. It is used to show loading scenarios for a better user experience. There are a lot of configuration options available that I will talk about below.


  1. Label - The text to show
  2. LabelPosition - Where to position the text defined in the Label property
  3. SpinnerSize - There are 7 options:
    1. 'Spinner.SpinnerSize'.Tiny
    2. ExtraSmall
    3. Small
    4. Medium (default)
    5. Large
    6. ExtraLarge
    7. Huge
  4. SpinnerColor - The color
  5. TrackColor - The color of the track (shown in the demo below)
  6. Appearance - There are 3 options:
    1. 'Spinner.Appearance'.Primary (default)
    2. Inverted

Using modern Spinner control

Here is a demo of this control with different configurations:

Spinner Demo

Stay tuned for the remaining modern controls!

To read the official documentation of modern controls, click here.

Recent articles

  1. Radio group - Everything you want to know about modern control #14
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