Canvas Apps Delegation Expressions

W – With function – Is it really delegable?

With function is one of the most useful Power Apps functions. One advantage is that it helps resolve delegation issues. But does it really?

Best Practices Canvas Apps Expressions

V – Version – How to auto-number app versions?

Do you add a label for app version but forget to update the number when you make edits to your apps? Learn how to auto increment versions!

Canvas Apps Controls Expressions

T – Teleprompter vertical scrolling – How to in Power Apps!

Have you ever had the need to vertically text in your apps? I did it in my teleprompter app. It is pretty easy to do, learn how!

Canvas Apps Controls Expressions

R – Rich Text Editor – Why is it useful?

Do you use the Rich Text Editor in Power Apps? Do you know it can do more than just allowing users to enter text? Learn why its so useful!

Canvas Apps Controls Expressions User Experience

P – Pen Input – How to check if blank!

Checking if a control is blank is usually pretty easy but not for pen input control. Learn how to check if a pen input control is blank!