Canvas Apps Controls

H – Horizontal scrolling in a gallery!

Scrolling through data
Scrolling through data


In one of my posts from my 1st of A-Z tips, I compared data tables vs galleries. One of the advantages of data tables is that they offer horizontal scrolling by default. It is still true that galleries don't have this ability by default. But you can now implement it. Let's see how!

Horizontal scrolling

Follow these steps to make horizontal scrolling work for galleries:

  1. Add a vertical layout container
  2. Then add a gallery inside
  3. Add labels inside the gallery, side by side, to display the information you want to
  4. Set the minimum width of the gallery based on the right most label, or whatever control you have like a button
  5. Last, set the Horizontal Overflow property of the container to Overflow.

With theses settings, this is how it works.

Horizontal scrolling in a gallery and a data table
Horizontal scrolling in a gallery and a data table

Stay tuned for the remaining 18 tips!

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