The past several months have been very challenging for me with regards to my health. I hired a personal trainer at my gym in May 2024. It has been an awesome journey so far, and hopefully, will continue in the future (more to come about my health later). My trainer is very detail oriented and has a process for everything. His day starts with meeting his 1st client of the day, helping them with exercises, scheduling their follow up sessions, and then meeting his 2nd client and so on.
Challenges in his personal training scheduling
His biggest challenge, at least from my perspective (which he eventually agreed to), was to see him scheduling sessions. He would take out his phone and open the notes app. He would write down the date and then client's names followed by time slots. There was no way to check if he was overbooking slots or if we was getting the date wrong. Like I said, he is very precise with everything he does but even he made mistakes with scheduling. I told him how painful it was for me to watch and that I would create an app for him.
My Personal Trainer Scheduling solution
Data Model
It is a very simple data model. It is comprised of 3 tables as shown below:
Ability to:
- create, edit, and delete clients (name and phone number)
- break a day into 30 minute time slots
- mark certain time slots as "blocked" or "unavailable"
- create and schedule 30 minutes or 60 minutes sessions (without any overlaps)
- delete sessions
- view sessions by clients (past and future)
App Demo
Link: Github