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How to use custom sorting in canvas apps

Sorting of records
Sorting of records

What is custom sorting?

Records can be easily sorted in a canvas app in two ways - ascending and descending. However, often there is a need to sort in a more complex/custom manner.

Use case for custom sorting

A perfect example is sorting of activities by a specific order of their statuses (Open, Scheduled, Completed, Closed). This one can be achieved pretty easily by using the SortByColumns function.

        Regarding = gblSelectedOpportunity,
        'Activities (Views)'.'Appt and Task View'
        'Activity Status (Activities)'.Open,
        'Activity Status (Activities)'.Scheduled,
        'Activity Status (Activities)'.Completed,
        'Activity Status (Activities)'.Canceled

To learn more about Sort and SortByColumns functions, click here.

Implementing custom sorting

I had a use case in one of my projects, that was a bit more complicated than the one above.

List of requirements:

  1. Show overdue appointments and tasks first (sorted by due date - most overdue ones at the top) that are open/scheduled
  2. Show other appointments and tasks, sorted by due date (sooner due dates at the top) with completed/cancelled ones at the bottom (after open/scheduled)

As you an see, this one was complicated because I had to split the list of open and scheduled tasks/opportunities into two separate lists but still show as part of the same gallery.

To achieve this, here is what I did:

  1. I added a flexible height gallery
  2. Then I set its Items property to
  3. After that, I nested a gallery inside the parent flexible height gallery
  4. Then, I set the Items property of this gallery to:
        ThisItem.Value = 1,
                Regarding = gblSelectedOpportunity,
                'Activities (Views)'.'Test View',
                'Activity Status' = 'Activity Status (Activities)'.Open || 'Activity Status' = 'Activity Status (Activities)'.Scheduled,
                'Due Date' < Today() 
            'Due Date', 
                        Regarding = gblSelectedOpportunity, 
                        'Activities (Views)'.'Test View', 
                        'Due Date' >= Today() || ('Activity Status' = 'Activity Status (Activities)'.Completed || 'Activity Status' = 'Activity Status (Activities)'.Canceled)
                'Due Date',
                'Activity Status (Activities)'.Open,
                'Activity Status (Activities)'.Scheduled,
                'Activity Status (Activities)'.Completed,
                'Activity Status (Activities)'.Canceled

After updating the Items property of the gallery to the above code, here is how the list of activities looked:

Sorted list of activities
Sorted list of activities

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