Canvas Apps

MSAPP files – Learn how to import them!

Power Apps Studio
Power Apps Studio

MSAPP files - What are they?

MSAPP files, in simple words, are files that contain the definition of an app. They can be very useful in sharing the app. There are 2 ways an app can be shared:

  1. You can enter the email address of other users by going to the Share option
  2. You can generate a MSAPP file of the app and send it to other users

These two methods can be compared to sharing an excel file that is stored on One Drive. One option is you add the email address of the user who you want to share the excel file with in the Share option. This sends an email to the user with a link to the file. Another option is to download a copy of the excel file and email the file. Just like with this excel example, the benefit of option 1 when sharing a Power Apps app is that any updates you make to the app are also shared with other users. Whereas in option 2, other users simply get a static copy of the app. So based on your use case, generating and sharing MSAPP file may or may not be the best option for you. But if it is, read on to learn how to create and import one.

How to generate them?

The steps to generate a MSAPP file for an app are as follows:

  1. Open an app in the studio
  2. Go to File->Save as.
  3. Select "This computer".
  4. You will get a confirmation that the file is ready and is available for download.
  5. Click on the download button to generate a MSAPP file.

Here is a small video of the process:

Generating a MSAPP file
Generating a MSAPP file

How to import them?

If someone has shared a MSAPP file with you, the first logical approach that comes to mind to import it is by selecting the Import canvas app option in the Apps tab on However, this only lets you import a zipped package. So the steps that you need to follow to import a MSAPP file are as follows:

  1. Go to
  2. Go the Apps tab
  3. Select New app->Canvas app
  4. Go to Open
  5. Click on Browse (Browse files)
  6. Select your MSAPP file
  7. Save and Publish the app

Here is a small video of the process:

Import a MSAPP file
Import a MSAPP file


MSAPP files are a great way to share Power Apps files. However, it is important to know the distinction in the process of importing a canvas app package (zip file) vs MSAPP file.

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