Canvas Apps Performance

Z – Zippy – How to monitor your apps performance!

Ferrari Formula 1 car
Ferrari Formula 1 car


We all want our apps to be zippy! As fast as a Ferrari in a Formula 1! But we all run into performance issues. And spend hours trying to figure out what's causing the slowness. So how do we monitor an app's performance to identify problems?

Monitor performance

To monitor your app's performance, you need to use, guess what, the Power Apps monitor tool! To start a monitoring session, click on the left navigation in the studio and click on Advanced tools (2nd option from bottom):

Starting a monitor session
Starting a monitor session

Then as you click through your app, the tool starts logging everything. Here is a quick demo:

Demo of a monitor session
Demo of a monitor session

If you don't see details for any rows in the monitor session, ensure that the app setting "Debug published app" under General is enabled. Once you are done with optimizing your app's performance, turn this setting off. As it will make sure app slower because of all the data that it has to log. To learn more about performance enhancing tips, click here.

There are a lot of things I want to share about the monitor tool. But I want to keep this tip short and sweet, so watch out for a separate post dedicated to it.

Hope you enjoyed all the 26 tips! 

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