Accessibility Canvas Apps

How to make a Power Apps screen accessible?

A male sitting in front a screen
A male sitting in front a screen

Introduction to screen control

Screen is the most fundamental and most used control in Power Apps. An app will always have at least one of them. That being said, more often than not, an app usually has more than 1. This is because, its like a shell or a container for various other controls like buttons, combo boxes, etc. To learn about its properties, click here.

Screen reader

I am going to keep these blog posts about accessibility to the point and avoid all the "extra" info to help you get started with accessibility. As you can see, I have the word extra in double quotes as extra doesn't mean useless. That being said, starting off simple is always important. At least, that's the approach I follow with anything that I have to learn from scratch.

So here are accessibility pointers:

  1. Screen names should be such that their purpose becomes clear. For example, do not name a screen scnOpenAccount. Instead, call it 'Open New Account Screen'. This is because readers read out the name out loud to users.
  2. If you are creating a pop-up, like for a confirmation, it is better to create a separate screen. Or, if you follow certain guidelines that I will explain in a subsequent post, you can make pop-ups accessible as well.

Recent articles

  1. How to optimize performance in Power Apps
  2. Responsive pop-up using layout containers
  3. Responsive pop-up using traditional containers

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