
Power Apps Buttons – know when to use AutoDisableOnSelect


Buttons are one of the most commonly used controls in Power Apps. It is a control that users can click on to or tap to interact with the app. A few examples of actions that a button can be used for are navigating between screens or submitting a form. Let's take a deeper dive into the AutoDisableOnProperty property.

AutoDisableOnSelect property

The OnSelect property of a button where we can specify what actions a button should take when clicked. One related property that we overlook is AutoDisableOnSelect. If set to true, it disables the button while the OnSelect behavior/formula/expression is running. This default value of this property is true. However, there are cases when we should set this property to false.

When to set AutoDisableOnSelect to true

When you use a button to submit a form, as an example, you don't want the user to click the button twice. If the form is being used to create new records, you don't want to create multiple records because of multiple clicks. In that case, you should set this property to true.

Here is an example:

AutoDisableOnSelect of a button when set to true
AutoDisableOnSelect set to true (click to enlarge)

When to set AutoDisableOnSelect to false

An example where I use buttons is in a gallery as an overlay or foreground to cover the entire row. This gives users the impression that the entire row is clickable. In this case, if the AutoDisableOnSelect property is set to true, it will hide the row because of the DisabledFill color of the button. One option is to set the DisabledFill color to Transparent or another option is to simply set AutoDisableOnSelect to false.

Set the property to true to see this behavior:

AutoDisableOnSelect of a button when set to true in a gallery
AutoDisableOnSelect set to true in a gallery (click to enlarge)

Set the property to false to see this behavior:

AutoDisableOnSelect of a button when set to false in a gallery
AutoDisableOnSelect set to false in a gallery (click to enlarge)


Click here to review all properties of the button control.

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