Canvas Apps Expressions

Hyperlinks – How to launch web pages & apps in Power Apps!

Launching web pages in Power Apps
Launching web pages in Power Apps


The Launch function allows you to launch web pages or even other Power Apps from within an app. Launching other apps is especially useful. That is because, it is advisable to break down your app into smaller apps if there is a lot of functionality. That, in turn, helps to keep the apps performant and easier to maintain. A perfect example of this is the Emergency Response solution by Microsoft.

Tip - Target property of Launch

When launching an app or a web page using the Launch function, there is an optional parameter, Target, that is easy to miss. Use it to specify whether you want to open the app/web page in a new browser tab or the same one from where it is being launched. The two values are:

  1. Replace (used to be called Self) - use it to have the webpage or canvas app open in the same tab
  2. New (used to be called Blank) - use it to have the webpage or canvas app open in another tab

To illustrate this, here is a quick demo:

Launch function in Power Apps
Launch function in Power Apps

Stay tuned for the remaining 18 tips!

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10 thoughts on “Hyperlinks – How to launch web pages & apps in Power Apps!”

  1. Is there a way to get the back button to work to go to the previous page before the redirect button was clicked, if using the target: replace?

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