Canvas Apps Controls UI

Keyboard – How to control the keyboard type on mobile

Keyboard on mobile devices
Keyboard on mobile devices


One of the biggest complaints I have heard about Power Apps it that they don't work as well as native phone apps. That is true only if you don't pay attention to details and focus on designing the app's user interface/experience. One of the things that I noticed while using my phone apps is how the keyboard adapts to the data type of the text input field.

Tip - Use keyboard mode

If you want the same behavior, all you have to do is to use the VirtualKeyboardMode property of the text input control. It has 3 possible values: Auto, Numeric, and Text. While Numeric and Text are obvious, Auto means that the mode will default to the mode of the text input control. With this setting in place for two different text input controls (one with a VirtualKeyboardMode set to Numeric and the other set to Text).

Here is a quick demo:

Default Keyboard mode
Default Keyboard mode (click to enlarge)

To learn about the other properties of the text input control, click here.

Stay tuned for the remaining 15 tips!

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